Monday, July 28, 2008

Prashant and Ramkali

Prashant who had just finished writing his article for the day submitted it to the desk (the people who edit the articles). The article was on Ramkali the elephant who had gotten stuck in some marshes and required two cranes to pull her out.

Around 11.30pm, Prashant was just planning to skip home, when he was summoned by Joy, the desk in charge and asked a very pertinent question. A question that would shake the very basis of Prashant's story. A question like no other.

It was: "Why is Ramkali's pet name Ramu?"

Prashant, like any ordinary person, was flabbergasted. Why indeed?! Doing some admirable quick thinking in such a time of stress, he replied:

"Because the owner must have kept it Ramu."

All of us mere mortals found the answer exemplary in its simplicity and good sense and would have awarded Prashant a standing ovation had we been there. Thankfully we were at JATC stuffing ourselves with salads.

But Joy was made of sterner stuff. He continued:

"How can a elephant with a female name (Ramkali) be given a male pet name (Ramu)?

Yes. Its the kind of question which makes you go: Whaaaaa????
Prashant reeled.

Joy continued: I want you to call her owner up right now and get the answer to this question.

Staggering back to his chair, Prashant realised it was nearing midnight. So instead of calling the owner, he called us.

And that is how I know this incident, one of the many such in the annals of courageous journalism.


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