some more faff

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

About Me

1. Photography is my first love.

2. I love to travel! I look and feel my best when I travel. Its therapy. I even like traveling alone within the city in auto rickshaws. That my 'me time'.

3. I like people who use punctuation marks in sms.

4. I love watching films, but only on the big screen. It has to be larger than life.

5. I am a closed book. Rather, I am, as some of my friends put it - an enigma :P

6. I open up to strangers more often than friends.

7. I love food! All kinds.

8. I'm a rain child.

9. The one fictional character I associate myself most with is Scarlett O Hara from Gone With The Wind.

10. I am self obsessed. Though I pretend otherwise.

11. I hated my childhood.

12. I want to do and be lots of things. I want several lives.

13. Books are what I go to every time I need to fill a void. Films I go to when I want to live. I dont know which of the two I treasure more.

14. I am lazy and content in my laziness.

15. The only pet Ive ever wanted is an elephant.

16. The best thing about chat is saved conversations..

17. Stories - real unreal, true untrue - are what keep me sane.

18. I steal pens. My dad does too.

19. I love people who can laugh aloud and without trying to look good while they are at it.

20. I am very pessimistic. Maybe it is just my way of coping with the world.

21. My mom was a Hindu who converted to Christianity when she married my father, who was a Muslim turned Christian, because his father (my grandfather), a devout Muslim, decided to suddenly embrace Christianity on, of all places, his deathbed (yes, the entire family is insane), post which there was a mini riot in the village because the Muslims wanted to bury him in their graveyard, while the Christians obviously thought his body was theirs and theirs alone.

22. I, meanwhile, am a mongrel, and free to create my own religion and my own morality. I am grateful to my insane family for this.

23. All my job interviews have been funny.

24. I don't think anyone can really know anyone else.

25. I don't believe in planning beyond tomorrow. Except when I am paid to.

26. I realised I had a mad streak when I agreed to be a dance bar girl for a undercover (ahem) assignment

27. At 13 I quit my convent education and got myself admitted to a village school. That is where I learnt to speak.

28. I am a proficient Self Bubble Burster. I can burst my bubble with more flourish than anyone else.

29. I don't have a back up plan.

30. I want an Undo button in my life. Then again, maybe not :)